
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

106 franke

home/hoʊm/ Show Spelled [hohm]
1. a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.
2. the place in which one's domestic affections are centered.
3. any place of residence or refuge: a heavenly home.

this is a LONG awaiting blog post. yeah, i know. sorry. however, i can't even explain enough how BLESSED joseph and i are in our new home. we have been here for about four months now and this place is perfect. i am looking forward to many, many years in this home.

as joseph and i spend everyday under the roof of 106 franke we will always keep this our verse for our home and family: "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." - joshua 24:15

may that be our prayer year after year.

many of you have awaited pictures of our first home so here we go: a picture tour of our home. (more on facebook)
Office/One day a Nursery (no, we aren't pregnant)

This is where you would stay: Guest room. I love yellow and gray. Perfect colors together. This is the start. I need to paint the walls and add more "flair" but I'll wait till I...
A. Have more time and B. it is cold outside.
This is our room. Want to paint the walls a light blue/gray color. Add some art above the bed.

Favorite Room in the house: The Kitchen.

Joseph's Favorite Part of the House: Basement (his so called "man cave")

Our amazing tv and wonderful fireplace.

hope you enjoyed taking a tour of the snare residence. again - check out the rest of the photos on fb.

this post is looong over due. sorry. love. ds.

Monday, August 2, 2010

It Came and Went . . . July 2010

Ah! I can't believe it is August already, sorry this is late. August has been insane!! What the heck? Summer is flying by... And I am SOOO OKAY with it. I can't handle this heat.

So, month two of Marathon training is complete. I am actually increasing my training this year but I have been having all sorts of issues. First off, I am allergic to something and it is driving me crazy because I have no idea what it is. Everyday I get these horrible stomach cramps so I need to set up a doctor's appointment, I am just procrastinating...shocker.

Second, my shoulders are killing again. These long runs ruin my body, but it doesn't help that when I get exhausted or have issues (i.e. stomach issues) and then I tend to strain my running form which in the end, affects my shoulders.

Third, this summer has been freakishly hot. Grr. I wouldn't mind it if my body could handle the sun + temps over 75 degrees. But, it just shuts down. Literally. Dear Fall, I am ready for you. Love, An avid supporter of 50-70 degree temps.

Other than my issues, I am literally rolling out of bed every morning to run. My most "memorable" run this summer was a few weeks ago. Before leaving for Lake Placid I had to run 14 miles because I didn't know what it would look like if I waited to run in NY so I just ran my long run on that Friday . . . before work. Yikes - that was an early morning. My alarm went off at 3:30 A.M. - but not only did I hear my alarm but was also awaken by bright flashes and loud bangs. Great, I am running in a thunderstorm.

I waited until about 4:15 to start, and decided it wasn't stopping so I was runnin' in the rain. At about mile 3, it seemed to let up. But, I was wrong, at about mile 4 a monsoon came and I ran in pouring rain for literally 6 miles. Thank you rain storm for giving me beautiful blisters all over my feet. However, I would take that over humidity and heat any day. Crazy, yes, I know.

Anyway, I am looking forward to the rest of my August runs - only getting up to 16/17miles. It is September that I fear, 18, 19, 20, 22. Yikes! Least it starts to cool down, right?

10.10.10 - I am anxiously awaiting your arrival. Mostly, for you to be over. :)